Flash enquiries

by Get Ink on 5th June 2024

Updated 3 months ago

Taking enquiries with Get Ink just got even easier for those of you that do flash! ⚡️

Clients can now send an enquiry form by selecting available flash pieces that you've added to your profile - making it easier for the client and reducing your admin time even further! Win, win.

How does it work?

Head to the Flash section in your dashboard and add a collection. This is a grouping of related flash pieces, think Halloween Ghosts or Ornamental vases. In that collection you can then add your individual flash pieces with a name, image and optional price.

Once added, flash will then become available for your clients to select on your enquiry form 🎉 A client can select as many individual pieces from a collection as they want - ideal if you have an offer of "3 for £100", for example.

These enquiries will drop into your dashboard as normal but will be labelled with a flash tag to easily identify and sort.

Offering a flash appointment

This is much the same as a regular appointment but we've added a neat new feature to select the flash pieces for that appointment. Meaning you can easily track which flash pieces have been bagged or what that appointment is for.

You'll find that option as you're offering an appointment, again, you can select multiple pieces from a collection.

What happens when somebody books a flash?

You can toggle each flash piece (and entire collection) to archived - meaning it won't show on your enquiry form anymore. If somebody has booked a particular flash piece then simply toggle that to archived, making it unavailable for others.

We have potential plans to automate the archiving of a flash piece when booked but we'll leave that for another day!

Is there more to come for flash?

This is just the first iteration of our flash feature. We couldn't wait any longer for you to try it so this is just the basics for now. We have a LOT planned for flash as we know it's such an essential part of your world.

Flash shop anybody? 👀

What if I don't offer flash?

This is a completely optional feature - if you don't offer flash then just don't add any flash collections or pieces and you can continue taking custom enquiries as normal.