Complete guide to websites for tattoo artists and studios

by Get Ink on 28th May 2023

Updated about 1 year ago

Trumpet blowing alert 🎺

You’re good at tattoos, right?

Well, our super power is websites and the tech behind them to help tattoo artists get rid of DMs, manage their diaries and get paid.

So we thought we would geek out and chat shop answer some of these questions:

  • - Should you have a website as a tattoo artist or tattoo studio?
  • - How can you create a website for your tattoo business? (DIY or get someone to do it for you)
  • - What should be on a website to showcase your tattoo portfolio and how best to take enquiries and bookings from the lovely general public that want your designs on their skin.

Do I need a website or an online booking form as a tattoo artist?

Bear with us, this isn’t the most straightforward answer.

5 years ago we would have said abso-f*cking-lutely, tattoo artists would be craaazyy not to have a website.

But hello Instagram, Pinterest & Tiktok to showcase your work and online tattoo booking platforms and apps to manage enquiries, appointments and take payments.

So you do have alternatives to be seen and get paid. But why have a website or an online booking platform as a tattoo artist or for your tattoo studio?

1. You are in control

Bad word - algorithms. Remember when Insta did the dirty on us circa 2021 and hardly any of our photo content was seen and they wanted us to do reels all the bloody time.

Ain’t nobody got time for that when you’re drawing, prepping and looking after your clients. Showcasing and marketing your business outside of social media means your clients have alternative ways to find you and book their tattoos.

2. It gives you credibility

We know your clients come to you for the artwork that lights up their soul (and their skin) but getting a tattoo is a big decision and choosing the right tattoo artist and studio has some other factors in play: Location, budget and trust. Having a website and online booking process that looks ‘proper’ might be a big deal for some people wanting a tattoo, others not so much.

3. You can tailor it to your vibes

A website is your space to tell everyone what you are all about; who you work with, your style of work and more about you (and the team if you own a studio)

You might have more than ink in your studio - piercing, make-up or even merch and aftercare products so having a website allows you to tell your customers everything.

4. Let the tech do the hard work for you.

You can add your online tattoo enquiry form and booking system onto your website for each artist in your tattoo studio and take deposit payments easily without having to chase bank transfers or clients to confirm appointment times.

Which website platforms are good for tattoo artists and studios?

Firstly, ask yourself a few questions… are you (a bit) techy? Do you have time to create and update a website? Can you be arsed?

If the answer is yes, you have a few options. Wix, Squarespace and GoDaddy have templates and drag-and-drop interfaces so it is dead easy to get going but they come at a price. Check the monthly subscription fees for hosting (they do go up) and think about how much time it will take you to get it right for launch.

If you prefer to have someone else create your website, you can hire a web designer or agency. Make sure to look for someone with experience in creating websites for tattoo artists or studios, as they will understand the unique needs of your business.

If a website is another thing to keep alive in your world, an online booking application for tattoo artists like Get Ink is a good option stand alone.

Link it from your social media, write a bio about you and your tattoo specialism and use the enquiry and booking functionality to take (and decline) enquiries, open and close your diary, offer appointments and take a deposit payments.

What should I include on my tattoo studio website?

If you own studio or have other revenue streams, we imagine you will have a lot to say and a few things to talk about.

Here are some suggestions for what to include:

  • - A link to a tattoo booking form to take enquiries, schedule appointments and take payment for deposits
  • - A photo gallery showcasing the type of work you want to attract
  • - Information about your studio, including its location and opening hours
  • - Biographies of the artists who work at your studio, including their experience and specialties
  • - A list of services offered at your studio, such as piercings or aftercare products
  • - Testimonials from happy clients
  • - Any news or events related to your studio, such as upcoming conventions or guest artists.
  • - Information that your clients might need to know - Studio FAQs, guides to looking after your tattoo and important information like tattoo studio etiquette/Ts and Cs

What else should I consider when creating a website for my tattoo business?

If you have a website, you want it to look good and be an extension of you - your brand, values and show off your work. Make sure it feels consistent with your socials and shop so the customer has a seamless experience when choosing you.

Think about your copy - make it easy to read with concise sentences and line breaks (and a final spell check), and consider adding keywords to help with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). For example, if you are a tattoo artist based in Leeds you want to be telling Google that. When someone searches ‘tattoo artist in leeds’ you want to increase your chances of appearing on that search by using searchable words and terms.

Are you planning on selling anything online? If your own merch or tattoo aftercare products are another revenue stream for you, you will need an online shop functionality and the ability to take payment securely.

If you have any tech questions about running your tattoo business online, please get in touch - happy to geek out and help 🤙